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Notice to Authors of Phosphorus Research Bulletin (PRB)
General Policy
1. General Scope
Phosphorus Research Bulletin focuses on the publication of research papers that investigate
on inorganic phosphates and phosphate-containing materials.
2. Manuscript Type
Phosphorus Research Bulletin publishes the following types of articles: 1) Original Papers, 2) Reviews,
3) Communications, 4) Technical Reports. The author(s) bears full responsibility for the scientific content of his/her article.
1) Original Papers should describe comprehensive investigations with a full analysis of results, thereby leading to clear
and novel conclusions on inorganic phosphates and phosphate-containing materials.
2) Reviews should be in topical areas and discuss the literature in a rigorous and critical manner on inorganic phosphates
and phosphate-containing materials. Reviews should also provide an in-depth and up-to-date critical review of a related topic.
3) Communications are brief scientific reports about new ideas, methods, observations or theories relevant to researches on
inorganic phosphates and phosphate-containing materials. Communications can be up to four printed pages.
4) Technical Reports are the articles including data contributing to development of processing, evaluation, and application of
inorganic phosphates and phosphate-containing materials.
3. Refereeing and Revision
Manuscripts (PDF files) should be addressed to Professor Takahiro Takei,
Editor-in-Chief of Phosphorus Research Bulletin,
Japanese Association of Inorganic Phosphorus Chemistry,
c/o Center for Crystal Science and Technology,
Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research, University of Yamanashi,
7-32, Miyamae, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0021, Japan.
E-mail: takei@yamanashi.ac.jp, Fax: +81-55-220-8616.
Electric file (PDF file) submission is recommended to accelerate the reviewing
4. Copyright
The copyrights of papers accepted for publication in this Bulletin belong to Japanese Association of Inorganic Phosphorus Chemistry.
For permission to reuse content of this Bulletin elsewhere, in which copyrights belong to Japanese Association of Inorganic Phosphorus Chemistry, please send your request to Editor-in-Chief by a PERMISSION REQUEST form.
Instruction for Preparation of the Manuscript
1) Paper and Typing Area
To ensure consistency among different manuscripts, please follow attached instructions carefully. The typing area for the text is 160 mm wide and 242 mm high in 210 mm x 297 mm paper (A4) (Top margin: 25 mm, bottom margin: 30 mm, right margin: 25 mm, and left margin: 25mm, central margin: 8 mm). All manuscript must be in English. Please use Times, Times New Roman, or Symbol font(s). The actual page number will be printed by the publisher. Please number each sheet slightly in the bottom center (outside of the typing area). Article must contain an abstract which is condensation of the information in the paper.
2) Title, Author, Affiliation, Keywords, and Abstract
The paper opener-title, author, affiliation, keywords, and abstract-should be indented and single spaced. The title should be typed from the first line and centered using Times or Times New Roman 12 point Bold Capital Letter. Leave three lines of space and type the author’s full name in upper case using 12 point letter, and e-mail address of corresponding author using 10 point letter. Leave one line and type the author’s affiliation and full address in upper and lower case letters using 10 point letter. Skip two lines, type the word Keywords:, and 3-5 key words covered in your paper using 9 point letter. These keywords shall be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index. Skip two lines, type the word Abstract:, and type a concise abstract of not more than l50 words using 9 point letter. Leave three lines of space below the abstract before beginning the text.
3) Text
Text should be typed in single space using 10 point letter. Some flexibility of presentation will be allowed but authors are urged to arrange the subject matter clearly under such headings as INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, REFERENCES, etc. in capital letter.
4) Figures
Figures should be presented as part of the text, leaving sufficient space so that the caption will not be confused. Type FIGURE 1 in upper case letters and type the caption like a self-contained and place below or beside the figure. Leave one line of space before starting the text.
5) Tables
Tables should be presented as a part of the text, but in such a way to avoid confusion with the text. Lines: Make three horizonta1 lines on each table one at the top of the table, one below the column headings and the third at the bottom of the table. Titles are placed above the tables, indented, and numbered with Arabic numerals. Type TABLE 1 in upper case letters, and type the title like an ordinary sentence.
6) Equations
For mathematical equations, leave one line of extra space above and below each equation or set of equations. The displayed equations should be indented 5 mm. The equations have to be sequentially numbered, and the number put in parentheses at the right-hand edge of the text.
7) References
Indicate references in the text sequentially with subscript Arabic numerals: Smith1, Brown2. Include a reference list at the end of the paper in numerical order as shown below. Abbreviate journal titles according to Chemical Abstracts style. Type the list with single spacing.
- K. Yamashita, S. Suda, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 69, 555 (1991).
- T. Umegaki, in Inorganic Phosphate Materials, Edited by T.Kanazawa(Kodansha, Tokyo,1988), Chap.5, pp.105-129.
8) Submission of electronic text
When the article is accepted for publication, the Editorial Committee asks the authors to submit their original Word file and PDF file of accepted manuscript by an e-mail or on CD-R. The authors’ names, manuscript number, computer name, program name, and version number should be indicated on the disk.
9) Use of Third-Party Material(s)
If you wish to include third-party material(s) in your paper for which you do not hold copyright, you will need to obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to submission and need to show credit to the source(s) in your manuscript.
10) Page Charge
The authors are required to pay a page charge of 10,000 Japanese Yen
or 100 US dollars for each paper by a postal transfer
or bank transfer.
11) Editorial Board
- T. Takei: University of Yamanashi
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
- T. Akazawa: Hokkaido Research Organization
Associate Editors
- K. Hashimoto: Chiba Institute of Technology
- M. Aizawa: Meiji University
- Y. Kojima: Nihon University
- T. Konishi: Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute
- M. Matsuda: Kumamoto University
- N. Matsumoto: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- A. Obata: Nagoya Institute of Technology
- S. Sugiyama: Tokushima University
- E. S. Thian: National University of Singapore
- S. Yin: Tohoku University
- Y. Yokogawa: Osaka City University
- N. Yoshida: Kogakuin University
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2020.7 PRBlayout Please download this Microsoft Word file!
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